Ten Words Of Wisdom Wikia

[00:00:00] (The episode begins with a dark gray rectangle centered on an active Conway’s Game of Life background.)
Cary [00:00:00] TWOW 22A time! Low budget because I’m busy with a billion other projects. Confused? Read this.

[00:00:05] Now, it’s common practice for me to show group photos of each meetup, and I didn’t really do that last time, so here we go! I also found Max and Henry’s YouTube channel, so go watch their videos at the link in the description.

[00:00:17] Next, we’ve got a nice, paper-cutout style TWOW intro by Objectshowfan54, AKA Dumdum54.

[00:00:24] (Objectshowfan54’s video begins to play, taking place in a BFDI-like landscape.)
Objectshowfan54 [00:00:25] (As Cary) Hi, I’m Cary, and welcome to TWOW 22A, starring Joseph Howard as the Polarizer; Meester Tweester as the Two-time Zombie; Mid…night… Light… as… the Scandal Survivor; TheMightyMidge, the Leader of the Pun Resistance; and his friend Sam Billinge…—oh yes, he’s supposed to be in his hand—and Yessoan, the Board Game Expert. (Blows lightly while Yessoan is tossed aside) Welcome to TWOW 22A.
[00:01:10] (Objectshowfan54’s video ends.)
Cary [00:01:10] And here’s another, shorter intro, by McOddzen!
[00:01:14] (McOddzen’s video now plays. It features Cary finding a book on a table and opening it to reveal the current episode number. The screen then returns to the Game of Life setting.)
Cary [00:01:22] Recently, Spicyman33 was concerned that former power TWOWer Juhmatok was collaborating with Midnight Light, or worse, writing her responses for her. I suppose this isn’t technically against the rules, but it is frowned upon. If Midnight’s TWOW 21 responses were different, Spicy may have survived. So, I set up a poll to see if Spicyman33 should be brought back, and if Midnight Light should be punished.

[00:01:46] Unfortunately, the poll was confusing, was hacked from both sides, and stirred up a lot of twama [“TWOW” + “drama”] on HTwins Central. As a result, in the end, we all decided it would be the most fair to all the previously eliminated TWOWers if Spicy stayed eliminated too. Goodbye a second time, Spicy.

[00:02:04] But does Midnight Light get to keep her triple response prize? Well, following my precedent of sticking to my word with even poorly designed prizes, I’m gonna say yes. What will happen to prizes in TWOW 22 and beyond? I haven’t decided yet.

[00:02:18] Oh, hey, I’ve got mail! Fourteenth best TWOWer, some_nerd (The Pi Guy), has yet another wonderful TWOW Statistics report, and it looks like Sushi, Lpcarver, LorenTzel, Imagine4 (who actually is Tau Girl), and Huri Churi were all desperate enough for mentions to join in!

[00:02:35] (The screen switches to some_nerd’s video.)
Sushi [00:02:35] Hello everybody! Sushi here!
Lpcarver [00:02:37] Hey guys, it’s Lpcarver.
LorenTzel [00:02:38] I’m LorenTzel.
Imagine4 [00:02:40] I’m Imagine4.
Huri Churi [00:02:41] And I’m Huri Churi.
Sushi [00:02:42] …and we’ll be giving you an update on various spreadsheet and statistics news.

[00:02:46] After TWOW 21A, Ping Pong Cup Shots tied Spicy at ninety-two mentions and was more relevant due to being mentioned in more episodes.

Lpcarver [00:02:54] However, after 21B, Spicy has surpassed PPCS and is now the first TWOWer to have over one hundred mentions.
Huri Churi [00:03:04] Due to recent problems with lag, SNTPG has split the spreadsheet into two files:
LorenTzel [00:03:09] … the original, containing the most important data, while the others have miscellaneous sheets such as the guestbook. Go check it out!
Imagine4 [00:03:17] As of now, the TWOW compare tool is broken. some_nerd (The Pi Guy) is attempting to revamp it, so stay tuned!
Lpcarver [00:03:23] That’s all for now!
Sushi, Lpcarver, LorenTzel, Imagine4, and Huri Churi [00:03:25] Enjoy the episode!
Lpcarver [00:03:27] (Whispering) (Also, join the Discord Gameshow Hub!)
[00:03:28] (some_nerd’s video ends.)
Cary [00:03:28] Fine, link to Discord Gameshow Hub is in the description.

[00:03:32] And, by the way, it has scientifically been proven to be impossible to enjoy this crappy episode, so I don’t know what these five are going on about with this “EnJoY tHe EpIsOdE!”. You can try, but you can’t succeed.

[00:03:44] (The screen switches to the solid background with the inner border.)
Cary [00:03:44] So you know we’re at …
[00:03:45] (The remaining TWOWers are shown.)
Cary [00:03:45] … TWOW’s final five. Yay. Time to rush through confessionals.

[00:03:48] Nothing from JoHo.

[00:03:49] Meester Tweester had this confessional, whose absurd length, MAKES ME SO MAD I WANT TO— ... Nevermind. Anyway, here’s Meester’s confessional, but every time he says a TWOWer’s name, it gets faster.

I was (Speed up) Spicyman33's sidekick way back in TWOW 6B, and now he has tragically gone… we were the last living sidekick team. (Speed up) Meester Tweester has the letters MT for initials, and M is the 13th letter of the alphabet while T is the 20th. And 13 plus 20 equals 33, wow! But what's the only vowel in (Speed up) Meester Tweester? It's and[sic] E, which upside down is the number 3! And (Speed up) Meester has three E's while Tweester has three E's! We were truly a great match of great coincidences, but that ship has sailed now… goodbye, HTC server owner and friend!

[00:04:25] In case you were wondering why I changed my book to (Speed up) Joseph Howard's design, I was testing a hypothesis that having (Speed up) JoHo's design gave you some sort of prize-winning advantage. Just maybe, (Speed up) JoHo's book design and the lack of confessionals were the most optimal way to play TWOW, since he won three times in a row. But ironically, neither (Speed up) JoHo book won! I guess my hypothesis was proven wrong. But to commemorate TWOW's top five, I just had to try them all out! It feels great to be in the top five and top one percent, I'll try my best to go as far as I can in TWOW, and I hope the last episodes of the season are amazing!

[00:04:39] My last cipher was apparently too easy to crack, so here's one in four parts, progressively getting harder. Again, I'll give a shoutout to whoever Discord DMs me the full correct answer, or whoever gets the most of it. (Also, shoutout to KUmNAsAIon for winning our first ever Super Smash Bros. for Wii U tournament with his Bayonetta! I personally main Link.)

[00:04:46] Hm haaa huuuuu hooooo, heeee hyaaaaa hooooo, hm hm hp, hw, hm huuuuu heeeee hk, hr ht hn hc. Hp hg hf hd, hk haaaa, hu hj hm. Hw hg huuuuu ht, hp hooooo, hyaaaaa, huuuuuu, hm.


[00:05:00] Qr LL KU !V JI RK /L KD QB :L

[00:05:01] Dociuntrcenu cequcesiceci ceciunnudoce ceunumseunoc unciceoccenu cedoceci__.

(At same ending speed) So what Meester was talking about—

[00:05:04] (Clears throat, at normal speed) Excuse me.

[00:05:06] So what Meester was talking about was this five-way combo book drawing for me to use as his book. However, creating a high-quality book image based off of this drawing would take a lot of time, so I went for a more spray-painted look. Besides, this adds variety, and variety is nice, right?

[00:05:24] Midnight Light didn’t have a book change, but she did have a fitting five-word confessional.

Woo, final five! Grats everyone!

Very succinct, Midnight! But the record for conciseness still belongs to Tak Ajnin.

[00:05:37] Fourth up is TheMightyMidge, who zipped his lips before his tongue could slip. Midge was going to hold Spicy’s sprayer in his other hand but decided against it. So if Midge isn’t going to commemorate Spicy’s elimination, who will?

[00:05:50] Well, just like always, Yessoan’s got us covered with a flashy new book that has a spicy flair! This was his confessional:

Final five is tense, but I hope the audience enjoys these final rounds of highly intellectual combat. En garde! (Also, made it to my birthday, score!)

But you can see from the initials that Yessoan is trying to show off what he got for Christmas. Subtle!
[00:06:13] (The screen returns to the bordered setting.)
Cary [00:06:13] We’re done!

[00:06:14] So as you know, it’s the final five, who submitted a total of eleven entries to the twenty-second TWOW prompt, which was, “Compare Atlantis and Dream Island, using alliteration on at least five words.” TWOWers will be ranked by their highest-performing response, and the TWOWer with the worst score will be eliminated next episode.

[00:06:31] But most importantly, viewers of this video, vote! You can vote up until January 7, 2017, at 10 PM UTC.

Cary (TWOW 2A) [00:06:39] Remember, you viewers can vote, whether you’re a contestant or not, by commenting on this video. So, how do you vote? Pause the video at a random spot in the green rectangle. Type the keyword you see in the upper right. Space. Rank the entries from best to worst using these letters. Surround it with square brackets. Done. You can comment other stuff too and you can vote more than once.
Cary [00:06:59] It turns out that all eleven entries have exactly ten words, so I don’t need to show you the word count. Instead, I’m going to show you the size of each alliterated chunk of words. I chose to classify alliteration as either phonetic or spelling-wise—whichever helped out the response the most. Alliterated chunks are also color-coded.

[00:07:20] So that’s all you gotta know! Here are the voting images.

[00:07:24] (The voting screens flash by.)
Cary [00:08:24] That’s it for TWOW 22A!

[00:08:26] Now, I gotta look at all your guys’ amazing TWOW fanart, including this updated TWOW periodic table by Milo Jacquet. So, see you there!

[00:08:35] (Cary scrolls through the /r/twowfanart submissions. The screen fades to black when he reaches the end.)