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How can you beat the cold during this winter season? You can only use one-syllable words.

Yessoan, THATcommentor, Mae Young, ZerOcarina, The Slime Bros, Phant0mInfinity, Paintspot Infez, Xenon Virus, snowruntlvr and TheDonuts42 all got to submit two responses this episode and only the better of the two counted. The worse one isn't ranked.

The top 10 contestants got to tell Cary their favourite word and that word would come into play in TWOW 4, but the bottom 71 contestants were eliminated.

A total of 749 people cast 897 votes this episode, so each voter, on average, voted about 1.1976 times.

Ranking Contestant Response Average percentile Standard deviation Word count* Vote count
1 S1pingpongcupshots-3 Ping Pong Cup Shots (§) One good way is to stay at home all day 81.746% 19.7011% 10 13
2 Ju Juhmatok (§) Slap the clouds and tell them to STAHP THE SNOW! 79.9259% 26.245% 10 30
3 Ni Ni Hao Guylan (§) Lie a lot, it will set your pants on fire! 78.1464% 25.3553% 10 20
4 The Sun Kid Meester Tweester (§) Beat the "c" in cold to make the cold old. 75.9626% 23.6945% 10 21
5 King Bombs xXBombs_ AwayXx (§) Vote for Trump. Let the riot fires warm your house." 75.3872% 37.5315% 10 18
6 Ka KandyCreeper (§) First step is to melt the ice in one's heart. 75.1678% 28.6663% 10 15
7 Ph Phant0mInfinity 1 (§) It's all Jack Frost. Kill him, and you'll be fine.? 70.7865% 31.1335% 10 20
8 Sc sc9849 (§) Wear a scarf, wear a hat or hug your cat. 73.6018% 25.1757% 10 29
9 Br Brand Utger (§) Not hard to stay warm, just jump in some fire! 71.916% 20.9071% 10 23
10 Je jerri76 likes trees (§) There is no cold, these months need to CHILL out. 71.8908% 27.9933% 10 28
11 Sn Snoop Frogg (§) Make the snow so stressed, it has a melt down. 71.8654% 31.761% 10 20
12 Iz Izach Castro (§) You don't beat the cold, the cold beats you up! 71.7199% 33.504% 10 23
13 Ta TardistheTardis (§) Ask the sun for help to beat up the cold. 71.4286% 22.5039% 10 18
13.1 Ph Phant0mInfinity 2 (§) I hear Hell takes in guests this time of year. 70.7865% 31.1335% 10 20
14 Tantusar Tantusar (§) You could just move to the hot land of Oz! 70.6667% 29.6698% 10 6
15 S1mikeramsay Mike Ramsay (§) You can't be beat if you crank up the heat! 70.3403% 25.9302% 10 38
16 Tt TTGuy10000 (§) Do what the birds do and move down south. Duh. 70.0337% 29.7118% 10 16
17 Ja james cooper (§) For the cold not to kill you, die from thirst! 69.9145% 26.7217% 10 16
18 S1spicyman33 Spicyman33 (§) Light a flame, and burn the house down. Great fun! 69.7237% 25.9661% 10 25
19 Ca Carroll Addington (§) Make the cold so mad it heats up with rage! 68.9769% 32.2454% 10 18
20 Lu Luke C. (PenBFDI) (§) To stay warm, set fire to your house. No flaws!! 68.4656% 27.3619% 10 23
21 Jo John Mars (4DJumpman) (§) Heat does rise, so be wise, and fly up high. 68.3523% 29.814% 10 31
22 Th TheGenoYoshi (§) To beat the cold just set your house on fire 68.3168% 30.4947% 10 30
23 Ci Cid Styles (§) Keep far from any shots of Freeze Juice you see. 68.2124% 28.8408% 10 35
24 IMG 3259 swimswum (§) Make like a bird – fly down south where it's warm 68.019% 30.1744% 10 31
25 Co Conor OMalley (§) Spend that cash of yours on a brand new scarf. 67.6768% 21.6014% 10 14
26 In InfinitySnapz (§) Dig right to Earth's core. You will freeze no more. 67.5419% 28.0066% 10 31
27 Aw Awesome Animator (§) Find Jack Frost and kick him in the snow balls. 67.5371% 32.4483% 10 20
28 Pa PacoMan (§) I would fly South with the rest of the birds. 67.1438% 27.8656% 10 31
29 Se Seth Rollins (§) You should not go out in the snow when nude. 66.5418% 23.9928% 10 18
30 Gi GizmotheGamer (§) Dont lick a pole or your tongue will fall off. 66.5344% 23.0337% 10 16
31 It I made this channel for TWOW (§) I can't get cold, since my looks are too hot. 66.3492% 26.2694% 10 13
32 Ge Geometry Dash BlokPurrsun (§) To beat the cold, I think you should eat fire. 66.1882% 28.3603% 10 23
33 Ma Mae Young 1 (§) Best way is to hug me, I need some love 66.0735% 27.3831% 10 30
34 Bu Bunpuffy (§) Keep warm, take pills and stay clear of Ice Cube! 65.9784% 27.278% 10 23
35 Th TheITChap (§) Light the gas stove and burn down your school work. 65.9333% 25.0508% 10 29
36 Ro Roger Houses (§) Why would you beat the cold? How rude of you! 65.5238% 29.8278% 10 16
37 Os Oscar Field (§) To stay warm, just try to be cold, and fail. 65.4122% 29.741% 10 26
38 Br Bryan Rodin (bryshmy126) (§) You can beat the chill with some 'flix and chill. 65.215% 27.5519% 10 20
39 S1takajnin Tak Ajnin (§) Ask your mom to raise the heat in the house. 65.2074% 24.4238% 10 20
40 Va Vaughn P (§) want to beat the cold? use a whip, i'm told 65.0706% 31.6353% 10 18
41 Wo WolfsterJ (§) Just be a bear and don't care 'til spring comes. 64.8591% 26.401% 10 37
42 Th Thecatsonice (§) Cold? A hot dog or cat should do the trick! 64.7111% 26.9881% 10 38
43 Pa Paintspot Infez 1 (§) To heat, play my mix tape. It's lit and fire. 63.8725% 29.9945% 10 32
44 Mi minecraftwithkitties (§) The cold fights hard, so you might need a knife. 63.5659% 29.7995% 10 31
45 Pi Pie Plays (§) I'd beat the cold if I wore pants, I don't. 63.2972% 24.3242% 10 25
46 Xe Xenon Virus 1 (§) Try to turn to ice, and get a freeze burn.? 63.2768% 25.1698% 10 21
47 Da dancingfb18 (§) You jump in a pot, and make a YOU soup 63.234% 29.7073% 10 22
48 Th TheMagicalKBMan (§) I'll keep warm with the fire from my mix tape. 63.1667% 25.8397% 10 21
49 Ga Gabe LaSalle (§) You will have to beat it with a hot stick. 62.768% 26.2022% 10 15
50 Alexlion0511-newest alexlion0511 (§) Find where the cold lives and blow up it's house. 62.7379% 25.1233% 10 35
51 2LlEadm steveminecraft46 (§) To beat it, you must be one with the cold. 62.6834% 33.3748% 10 26
52 S1themightymidge-2 TheMightyMidge (§) To keep out the cold this year, burn a corpse 62.3306% 29.8423% 10 22
53 Ma Mariobrosaa Productions (§) Stay in your home and play games near the fire! 62.0587% 29.7919% 10 29
54 Go goldenzoomi (§) Beat the cold with our brand new warm socks! Yay! 61.8421% 26.6792% 10 21
55 Ja Jack Spero (§) Build home, cook food, stay home till spring. You win! 61.6487% 26.4656% 10 29
55.1 Ma Mae Young 2 (§) Kill a sheep and take it's wool, it won't mind 61.4746% 23.1538% 10 30
56 Bl BlueLucario98 (§) gain a lot of weight, sleep and wait for spring 61.3027% 27.4689% 10 11
57 Ty Tyler Chai (§) Dive in to a big bowl of red hot sauce 61.2319% 24.3402% 10 17
58 An AnyatheArtist (§) Get Match, light her, and set your house on fire. 61.1542% 30.1062% 10 40
59 Qu Quinn Ruddy (§) Move to a warm place where it can not snow. 60.8696% 24.2703% 10 9
60 An Andyman620 (§) punch the cold's face! how else can you beat it? 60.8414% 29.0112% 10 18
61 Cr CrystaltheCool (§) Don't go out at all, and read a good book! 60.7697% 28.5109% 10 18
62 Wh WhoNeedsAName (§) Pay thugs to beat up the cold so it goes. 60.5989% 24.9498% 10 15
63 S1josephhoward Joseph Howard (§) You can try to beat the cold with sticks. Try. 60.5681% 26.8549% 10 24
64 Ja JayBud (§) To beat out the cold, just burn your old coal. 60.5612% 27.6049% 10 27
65 Sq Sqlslammer (§) Go to hell. There's lots of heat in that place! 60.467% 32.656% 10 27
66 An AnimationCreated (§) Don't lick poles like they do in all those films. 60.3175% 29.2109% 10 21
67 St Stephen Kamenar (§) If you can't beat em, join em; Let's chill (◕◡◕✿) 60.3086% 29.5782% 9 35
68 Mi misterjakester (§) Find a cave and sleep 'til the end of March 60.252% 21.9244% 10 18
69 Bu ButterFlamingo (§) BEAT THE COLD TO DEATH! Trust me, it will work! 60.2339% 32.7067% 10 16
70 Wi Will Zhang (§) Don't beat it up. That's mean. Do what Frisk does. 59.8765% 32.3353% 10 31
71 Ma MasterOfZoroark (§) Fill your tub up with hot sauce, then jump in. 59.6165% 26.4776% 10 22
72 Ro RockDudeMKW (§) Dress up like a queen and sing "Let It Go." 59.4525% 32.0391% 10 37
73 Jo John Petrucci (§) Crowd 'round a flame, drink some tea, and play TWOW. 59.4356% 32.2522% 10 24
74 No Not Pro (§) Throw Jack Frost at the sun with a cute grill. 59.0992% 26.4693% 10 48
75 Sc Scrooty 6362161296 (§) You can go to the flame wars in a vid. 59.0306% 28.3524% 10 25
76 Wh Whiskerando (§) I find a hot fire, then I jump in it! 58.963% 35.2054% 10 22
77 Sm Smileyworkscompany (§) Buy some box gloves and go punch the cold air. 58.7234% 25.4035% 10 24
78 Ro Ronan Sandoval (§) Burn down your house! That would sure keep you warm! 58.6022% 31.7842% 10 19
79 Au Austin Eastwood (§) In this cold time of year, I will grow fur. 58.5938% 22.725% 10 25
80 Sn snowruntlvr 1 (§) You can beat the cold by the Cats! Throw Cats! 58.4435% 33.6554% 10 21
81 Bl bling popo (§) No need to beat the cold,spring will be there. 58.2028% 24.9831% 9 27
82 It ItsSoooooFluffy (§) Just stay in your house. Why would you leave it? 58.153% 26.8695% 10 37
83 Re Reviloja753 (Magnavox) (§) You beat up cold things till they cough up snow. 58.0835% 29.0869% 10 20
84 Ze ZerOcarina 1 (§) By these cold days, wear a coat made of fire.? 58.0645% 23.899% 10 17
85 Se SeanyBoy (§) Stay in the house and turn the heat on BLAST. 57.9567% 26.4561% 10 23
86 Zo zoroark SixtyFive (§) Take a trip to the Sun, but bring sun block. 57.8413% 29.2631% 10 39
87 File:S1xclockxanimations-21b.png XclockXanimations (§) You'll need to wear a scarf. It will look "cool" . 57.7372% 29.6555% 10 21
88 Sk SkyBox101 (§) Stay near me and don't say I didn't warm you 57.6566% 28.8591% 10 26
89 Ro Roman Neill (§) Kill five or so men, die, and burn in hell. 57.6476% 32.098% 10 23
90 Da dakillahbunnyz (§) You just stay in your house. I'm smart, I know. 57.6102% 29.1017% 10 42
91 S1crafty7 Crafty7 (§) Go to Jack Frost's house, then burn him with flame. 57.6083% 30.6652% 10 35
92 S1somenerd-21b some_nerd (The Pi Guy) (§) 'Beat' it with a club or win in a race 57.5324% 22.44% 10 16
93 Tr Truttle1 (§) To beat the cold, throw a blue shell at it! 57.384% 35.0888% 10 23
94 Th TheDonuts42 1 (§) Go find a wood bat and BEAT THE COLD BACK! 57.265% 38.5445% 10 14
95 S1aaronrubin-1 Aaron Rubin (§) Stay in or you will feel the cold's strong wrath. 57.2264% 24.3831% 10 27
96 S1milojacquet-1 Milo Jacquet (§) Go to space. When you come back, you'll feel hot. 57.1641% 28.6138% 10 37
97 Hazel Cricket Hazel Cricket (§) Stay in a house and give your friends some hugs. 57.0978% 30.5274% 10 34
98 Ki KirbyRider1337 (§) I'd take in all of the heat from the sun. 56.9366% 21.8944% 10 18
99 Va Varth_ EDM (§) Binge watch while chips and Coke are by your side. 56.8287% 28.5819% 10 30
100 Ex Experimental Account (§) To beat the cold you must use a hot pot. 56.7568% 21.4247% 10 11
101 De Devoid Amoeba (§) You could put on a coat that is quite warm 56.6358% 35.0506% 10 21
102 Th The Slime Bros 1 (§) You take a sword and slice the cold in half. 56.576% 27.6453% 10 19
103 Mm MMMIK13 (§) Grab it. Hold it. Punch it. Keep it down. Win. 56.5129% 31.6984% 10 38
104 Fu funkydoge (§) The cold, what cold? There is no cold this year... 56.3607% 35.4567% 10 14
105 Su SubscribeSubscribedUnsubscribe (§) Run so fast so that the cold can't catch up. 56.2963% 26.7061% 10 14
106 Fu funnyboy044 (§) Beat the cold with the might of "The Death Kicks". 56.2414% 27.3058% 10 34
107 Ti Tile is kuel (§) Cold is weak, just use a sword to beat it. 56.1966% 28.2535% 10 28
108 Ma Marco Mora lorca (§) To beat the cold you should dodge ice and lakes 56.1287% 28.2918% 10 26
109 Br Brady Chan (§) If you can't beat the cold, then you must suck. 56.0068% 25.7455% 10 19
110 Am American Camper (§) I sold all my clothes. I blame budge it cuts. 55.6437% 33.2817% 10 40
111 Sa Sawygo (§) You can hug a warm dog, and watch Carykh. Easy! 55.5928% 37.1899% 10 27
112 He Henry Scott (§) Use the heat from your dead cat to warm up. 55.5556% 32.1239% 10 14
113 Se Sean Leong (§) Get your friends and hug them all to keep warm. 55.5239% 26.947% 10 35
114 Du Duck Wrath (§) With a fire ball, throw it at the cold gods. 55.4677% 24.8794% 10 25
115 Ch chichinitz (§) Move to Chad where it is hot all the time. 55.4507% 28.2968% 10 30
116 Wi wifishark (§) Fire punch it in the gut. Then run man, run!!! 55.2812% 31.9548% 10 22
117 Dy DylanMultiProduction (§) You Punch The Cold 'Till It Bleeds Bright Pink Slush. 55.1691% 28.8974% 10 17
118 S1midnightlight Midnight Light (§) You can eat lots of hot sauce on your food. 54.8899% 27.9001% 10 22
119 Je J_ duude (§) It's not that hard. Just don't go in the snow! 54.8713% 27.291% 10 35
120 Ra RainingPlates (§) Cold is slow, so it should be beat with ease. 54.8073% 32.7905% 10 35
121 Ca Carrotkid08 (§) Roll up your sleeves and punch the cold down hard! 54.7739% 24.3281% 10 20
122 Lu LucidSigma (§) You can beat the cold if you don't touch snow. 54.713% 23.7961% 10 21
122.1 Ze ZerOcarina 2 (§) When it's cold out there, you must close the doors. 54.6185% 33.3313% 10 16
123 Ka Kathie Bennett (§) Play with friends. What!? You have no friends? Too bad. 54.6185% 32.6892% 10 16
124 Sa Sam Baker (thecool1204) (§) Wrap up warm and drink lots of cups of tea. 54.5855% 24.5784% 10 24
125 Tu tumble (§) You move to a warm place, like a smart bird. 54.555% 28.878% 10 22
126 Ly Lyndon Fan (§) Dress more, stay at home and watch TWOW like now. 54.522% 26.1199% 10 8
127 S1fryuaj fryUaj (§) This year, my cute small cat will warm me up! 54.4893% 32.6212% 10 27
128 Je Jeelhu77 (§) Cats must sleep on your face so you can live. 54.3295% 34.2434% 10 16
129 Th THATcommentor 1 (§) Give Saint Nick and Jack Frost “clauses” to cool off. 54.2328% 35.1324% 10 22
130 Ma Max McKeay (§) You don't have to. Just stay in and watch TWOW. 54.1934% 36.9529% 10 43
131 An Ann Ant (§) Slide on two scarfs to miss lakes and don't drown. 54.1188% 32.0898% 10 14
132 Ri richcolour (§) I like to kill a cow and get in it. 54.0984% 33.1186% 10 18
133 Co Computer 2468 (§) You shoot it with your brand new gun. Oh yeah. 54.0962% 25.4622% 10 30
134 Jennings Jennings AsYetUntitled (§) Beat the cold with gloves. Gloves to box with it. 54.0583% 30.543% 10 15
135 Be beanme100 (§) Add green house gas to the sky. Take that, cold! 54.0067% 33.3198% 10 17
136 YessoanripJoseph Yessoan 1 (§) Move to the sun and cold will leave you be. 53.9945% 36.4073% 10 22
137 Pl Ploot Adrain (§) Coat your skin in pig's fat and wear a hat. 53.8778% 27.7064% 10 33
137.1 Sn snowruntlvr 2 (§) Beat the Cold with Heat and the Cold will fall! 53.7778% 22.0504% 10 27
138 Vi Vivek Saravanan (§) The sun should beat down on the cold for us! 53.7634% 27.2307% 10 17
139 Zr zRAGE (§) Lit A Fire. Hot In Here? No. That's Just Me. 53.4357% 31.5491% 10 31
140 An AnEpikReshiramRBLX - Probably Crappy Machinimas! (§) Stay at home, it's warm, but don't touch that fire! 53.3749% 32.5873% 10 22
141 Po pokemonmanic3595 (§) Move south, it's hot down there this time of year. 53.342% 24.3882% 10 29
142 Le lempamo (§) You can fly in a plane to a hot place. 53.3333% 27.2635% 10 16
143 Ha Harry Odiakosa (§) Put your hands in warm milk, stay in, watch BFDI. 53.3333% 31.0515% 10 26
144 Th TheAwesomeDude (§) You put on gloves and / BEAT THE DUMB COLD UP! 53.2798% 24.8308% 10 22
145 Ca cahlos 11 (§) Don't jump in the snow for you will freeze, duh. 53.0952% 27.3158% 10 26
146 An AnimationEpic (§) Quite cold air, pain I can't bare. Just don't care. 53.0722% 31.5571% 10 22
147 Ca catsanddogs333 (§) Kill memes and use their cool box to stay warm! 52.974% 30.3732% 10 36
148 Er Erikfassett (§) Let the cats cover you up in their soft fur. 52.924% 31.4718% 10 20
149 Mi MineWraith (§) Build a heat ray and eat the whole world. Bam. 52.9001% 26.6095% 10 19
150 Ci Citing Ostrich (StridentBoss) (§) Grab the heat and play catch with a pine tree. 52.8719% 22.018% 10 12
151 Vc Vcr-San (§) You have to fight it with many bowls of soup. 52.7549% 30.9843% 10 38
152 S1stalemate-21b Stalemate (§) You smack cold with a set of drums and sticks. 52.7407% 28.1731% 10 16
153 Go GoldenMinecraft 29 (§) You should go to Ice Cube Star, it's warm there. 52.6658% 29.7505% 10 23
154 Ph PhantomJax (§) You take a bat for sports and kill it. Fun. 52.381% 28.633% 10 31
155 Sh ShinyStoutland (§) Stay in and watch TWOW while it is cold out. 52.1991% 27.6441% 10 34
156 Li livingpyramid (§) Light up a large flame in your house; stay warm! 52.1569% 28.1103% 10 26
157 YTq8uU7 The Futech Hacker (§) Light Match on fire and burn things. Eat cake too. 52.0661% 28.0395% 10 23
157.1 Th TheDonuts42 2 (§) To beat cold: beat eggs, make some hot French toast. 51.8042% 30.4522% 10 29
158 Lo Loong Yaw Lee (§) Get your suit and hope you don't break a sweat. 51.7386% 24.4256% 10 32
159 De deepdata1 (§) One word: soup. ... no wait: drugs! ... hang on ... DRUG SOUP! 51.656% 36.0937% 10 24
160 1a 10gamerguy (§) Cold stands for, 'Cook On Lit Dish.' That sounds warm. 51.6461% 30.9714% 10 20
161 Vi Villager #9 (§) You punch it in the face with your bare fists. 51.4991% 30.1953% 10 20
162 Ke Kenneth Ruff (§) Be the sponge and stay in your house, it works! 51.4788% 32.9755% 10 25
163 Gu GudPiggeh (§) I can beat the cold with my brand new axe 51.4643% 32.6957% 10 30
163.1 Th THATcommentor 2 (§) Chill out, warm up, get hot, and wait for spring. 51.4037% 30.3731% 10 28
164 Kr Krangle (§) Die so that you will not feel cold at all. 51.3735% 24.304% 10 26
165 Th TheKoolkid209 (§) Wear a coat to stay warm as the cold comes. 51.3725% 31.7249% 10 22
166 S1greentree-1 GreenTree (§) Squish next to your friends like sheep to keep warm. 51.2821% 22.8832% 10 19
167 Cy CyanDrop (§) Just ask them fast to change to the spring time! 51.2718% 23.7326% 10 26
168 Bo book81able (§) Climb in a Taun Taun and drinks some hot tea. 51.0222% 30.0607% 10 29
169 Ra random57877 (§) To beat the cold stay near a warm bright flame. 50.9579% 21.9363% 10 17
170 Be Ben1178 (§) To beat the cold, you must hear some life hacks! 50.9579% 34.4966% 10 25
171 S1riley-2 Riley (§) You can cut up dogs and bathe in their blood. 50.8087% 42.212% 10 17
172 Fr FrogEatsGames (§) You can not beat the cold, it will slay you. 50.8065% 23.2373% 10 23
173 S1lpcarver-21b Lpcarver (§) If cold times were not easy to beat, use memes. 50.7781% 26.7414% 10 32
174 Gr greenninjalizard123 (§) I'll make the cold more easy to beat with hacks. 50.5196% 29.6072% 10 32
175 Ju justthebomb “justthebo50” blue (§) Go get the month June, it will melt the snow. 50.4329% 24.6389% 10 29
176 File:S1meduzayt-21b.png Meduza yt (§) Just do not eat ice cream, and you'll be ok! 50.2864% 31.2988% 10 19
177 Au AugustMK7 (§) Cut down all the trees and burn the house down. 50.1903% 23.7704% 10 29
178 Re REX CAVALIER (Sprite) (§) kill a guy, and you will burn with your sins. 50.1873% 29.4143% 10 26
179 S1whaijay WhaiJay (§) Oh, that? Heh, well first, you have to be God. 50.1769% 30.1918% 10 29
180 Te TehPizzaMan (§) I don't get cold. I live in the south. lol 50.0865% 28.8374% 10 34
181 Th Theelementalraccoon (§) How to beat the cold: Sit on a heat pad. 50% 27.3579% 10 29
182 Ju Justyn Rodriguez (§) You should just not live in a place like Maine. 49.8981% 32.1439% 10 22
183 Be Bendariaku (§) Do not go out once it snows. That is it. 49.8783% 31.2434% 10 39
184 Mr MrMGamer (§) The cold can be beat by a fan of heat 49.8723% 26.3419% 10 27
185 Wo Wobbuffet64 (§) Drink hot shit. Burn mouth. Reach nurse home. Dodge cold. 49.8621% 34.7871% 10 30
186 Lo loɹʇuoɔ soɐɥɔ (§) With a sports bat. And some ice cubes. They're cold. 49.8282% 27.4314% 10 29
187 Vi Victini and Infinity Productions (§) Go to the word book and punch the word "cold" 49.7752% 23.1837% 10 17
188 S1starsphere08-1 StarSphere08 (§) I like to stay warm with lots of warm hats! 49.7644% 25.6943% 10 30
189 An AnonymousMango (§) You can use a snow plow and run it over. 49.7416% 26.1391% 10 24
190 QwerbyKing V2 QwerbyKing (§) Go all Saint Nick with the boots, coat, and hat. 49.7076% 24.7124% 10 21
191 Th The All Rounder | Marble Races (§) The freeze will be dealt with my warm snug fire. 49.697% 29.4319% 10 27
192 Ma Mapmaker Mapping (Parker Pearmain) (§) To beat the snow, you bring in the bright Sun! 49.6559% 29.0165% 10 20
193 Ro Roston11 (§) To beat the cold stay in your house all day. 49.6409% 26.322% 10 28
194 Sh Shaymin Lover (§) As long as you wear warm clothes, you'll be fine 49.5863% 25.3455% 10 18
195 Endr Dragon Endr Dragon (§) I will call John Cena to beat the cold up. 49.5541% 34.7169% 10 33
196 Ri rinkrat02 (§) beat it with a club that is lit on fire 49.3889% 24.2339% 10 21
197 Th Theo L (§) I will beat the cold with two big, red gloves. 49.3876% 28.654% 10 25
198 Is Isaiah Y (§) To beat the cold get a stick and beat it 49.3423% 28.1602% 10 32
199 6j 6j108 (§) Eat hot food, stay warm, and don't freeze like... that! 49.3259% 22.6353% 10 23
200 Re RedAdamA (Anything Ever) (§) You must stock up on a lot of hot chocolate. 49.2775% 28.6708% 10 45
201 El elfireball42 (§) Get rid of the witch, she cast the cold spell! 49.1031% 28.851% 10 45
201.1 Xe Xenon Virus 2 (§) Don't fret, you just wait till my mix tape drops! 49.102% 34.5925% 10 36
202 De DeeandEd (§) Lie in bed and try to sleep through it all. 49.0224% 30.7232% 10 24
203 Co cool chansey (§) Drink a warm drink and sit by a hot fire. 48.9671% 26.8728% 10 18
204 S1matthewdoan-22b Matthew Doan (§) I used the force, and all the cold was gone! 48.8999% 25.3206% 10 20
205 S1bazinga 9000-1 Bazinga_9000 (§) I will light ten flames in my yard. What fun! 48.8372% 34.9841% 10 8
206 Ev evan skolnick (§) You move to Guam in the cold times, of course! 48.7179% 27.5765% 10 17
207 Mi Mista Fown (§) To beat the cold, eat some hot with no mold. 48.6634% 30.1915% 10 35
208 Le LengthxWidth (§) You can skin a bear to wear the warm fur 48.655% 24.3261% 10 37
209 Le Leo O'Connor (§) Coats, Scarfs, and Gloves. Don't slip on the ice rink! 48.6267% 26.6146% 10 17
210 Se SergeantSnivy (§) I'll make the cold a beet plant! Get it? "Beet"? 48.3412% 28.452% 10 21
211 Bf BFDIBOYERSFTW (§) Fight it, in the good ol' boxing ring of fire! 48.3159% 29.9169% 10 29
212 Ja Jacob Thomas (§) why, just do what I do: Stay in your house! 48.0342% 28.6517% 10 14
212.1 Pa Paintspot Infez 2 (§) Stay near teens! They call all things litandfire! 47.8673% 33.9117% 8 21
213 Th TheUtubedude101 (§) Punch it in the face. Then give it a cold. 47.6447% 32.3995% 10 28
214 Kr Krishna Mandal (§) Just wear a ton of clothes that avoid the cold. 47.6389% 29.9662% 10 17
215 Da DaKillahAidan (§) You pin it on a wall and punch it hard. 47.5342% 23.7799% 10 18
216 Ba Battle for Something Official (BFST) (§) Give the cold a warm. That will do the job. 47.5096% 30.0714% 10 21
217 Jo John Dubuc (§) Play some drums, to make some beats; then comes heat! 47.3373% 30.7519% 10 32
218 Qu Quinson Hon (§) I can fight the cold in a brawl and win. 47.1218% 30.7253% 10 18
219 Je JerusalemStrayCat (§) We tried a heat wave this month - it worked great! 47.1218% 28.9108% 10 32
220 Ju Justin Lo (§) Use the heat from all the mad books who lost 47.0691% 29.6018% 10 25
221 Th Thedrievrienden (§) Kill all beast and take their fur, wash them first. 46.9697% 27.9654% 10 12
222 Jm ~Mr Sunny~ (§) You'll need a HOT bod, or else... you will freeeeeeezzeeee!!!!!!!! 46.8761% 27.9997% 10 36
223 Do Donnie Melton (§) One way to beat the cold is to stay home. 46.8557% 23.875% 10 36
224 Ru RunToastRun & (ToastBeRunnin) (§) Wear A Fur Coat Made From Leaves And Drink Cheese. 46.8229% 26.4124% 10 32
225 Ea Ean EStone (§) Burn some wood so you can have a heat source. 46.6667% 31.3984% 10 25
226 Ai Aiden .C (§) Ask the cold to dance, he will get BEATup! 46.5409% 28.8014% 9 21
227 Wy Wyatt Buss (§) Stop Elsa once and for all to beat the freeze. 46.4862% 34.6648% 10 23
228 St Stadin6 (§) do not h8, do not sk8, give me your cape 46.4554% 33.8509% 10 32
229 No NoobWithAFez (§) Shove your face in hot oil, should be 'nuff. 46.306% 27.5663% 9 18
230 Al Ali161102 (§) I guess you could just not go out at all. 46.2918% 29.6716% 10 38
231 Ni NitroNinja (§) You just have to Let it go! Let it go! 46.2882% 33.0522% 10 41
232 Ah ahahahajee (§) Store food in the fridge, and isolate till' spring comes. 46.2793% 31.5803% 10 21
233 Su SuperTurtle408 (§) Beat the cold with a huge punch to the face! 46.227% 30.0874% 10 20
234 Ul Ulises Castillo (§) To keep warm hear my new song it is fire 46.0954% 29.4919% 10 41
235 Ri RidgeRR4 (§) Sing "Rain Rain Go Away", but replace "rain" with "cold". 46.0557% 34.4506% 10 29
236 Le legotd61 (§) You move to the north and leave the south. 45.8862% 34.2834% 9 30
237 Cy Cyffreddinol (§) To beat the cold, you must eat hot coal. 45.84% 29.4806% 9 23
238 Mm mmKALLL (§) You must stay in and play games all the time. 45.507% 24.5182% 10 18
239 Ye YearsAnimations (§) You should try and run from the cold, trust me. 45.3663% 26.2272% 10 22
240 Ra RAM Turtle (§) We can do it! We have hope, belief, and fire! 45.3373% 28.8823% 10 20
241 Pe Peter N (§) You punch cold things like ice and snow quite hard 45.0675% 32.8393% 10 28
242 Ba Bahgg Muhhbah (of the many realms) (§) Get the cold out of your home with some fire! 44.978% 27.0281% 10 34
243 Sc ScienceFreakProductions (§) You tie the cold's shoes to it's chair, fair fight 44.8718% 20.9532% 10 18
244 La Law Dog (§) You win a race and that's how you beat it . 44.8526% 27.9443% 10 23
245 Ao3xjMtGKXE1aXj7byx0UB6p0gb3Vdt0p0mjL9TQbyA Diamondcup67 (§) Get a bad burn, you will stay warm all year! 44.8441% 24.4455% 10 14
246 Sa Sam-Fone Cheung (§) If you are cold, set your house on fire. 44.7222% 26.9301% 9 16
247 Em Emation1 (§) Make a torch. You'll have fire when you need it! 44.6694% 28.6777% 10 25
248 Pa Pandadude12345 (§) You can not, the cold will freeze you to death. 44.6472% 26.4561% 10 29
249 Th Thecactigod Oh (§) Wear a big dope sick hat to keep you warm 44.5464% 23.3406% 10 10
250 Xo XO Mapping (§) You don't give old men names that start with "C". 44.4444% 31.6528% 10 21
251 Iz Izumi Yoshida (§) Search the data! Failed. No way to fight the cold 44.422% 29.0014% 10 25
252 Bi BinaryBubbleGaming (§) if the cold's what you want to beat, use heat 44.2291% 33.615% 10 25
253 Po pokpower8 (§) To keep warm, Steer clear from the cold night storm. 44.0741% 30.763% 10 18
254 Fl FlareonTheFlareon (§) Use the heat to punch the cold out of space! 43.9909% 17.3095% 10 14
255 An Andrew Ratzlaff (§) You can beat the cold with a really big stick 43.9665% 33.9856% 10 19
256 2n 2NoobFriendz (§) To beat the cold you need to slay the sun. 43.7947% 25.2618% 10 19
257 Bu bubblestars (§) Make sure to take that coat out for the cold. 43.6508% 27.2565% 10 30
257.1 Th The Slime Bros 2 (§) You can stay in your house all day and play! 43.6071% 26.3517% 10 37
258 Ma matheweon (§) I'll light my house on fire to beat the cold. 43.5897% 29.945% 10 14
259 So SolarBolt4 (TheShinyRayquaza47) (§) Lock your self in a sauna until spring is here. 43.4641% 27.4514% 10 36
260 Lo lorri peterman (§) Stare at your warm screen this day and the next. 43.2878% 27.0385% 10 26
261 Re Reid Pozzi (§) Tell the darn cold to go die in a hole. 42.9952% 24.8299% 10 40
262 Da DanTheStripe (§) Die by big cliff jump. If you're dead, you're safe! 42.6638% 33.943% 10 28
263 Aw Awesomeness765 (§) Run as fast as you can, and then you'll win. 42.54% 29.0341% 10 44
264 Ob Objectdude73 (§) Miss "Let it Go" needs to see her end quick! 42.2648% 35.3999% 10 20
265 Ye YellowJellow12 Gaming (§) A scarf is best in cold days in the year! 42.2222% 25.4188% 10 36
266 St stephan Eijgelaar (§) By keeping your self warm... That's not hard. Isn't it? 42.1769% 27.0638% 10 18
267 Da David Rycan (§) With a steel rod, speed boost and a stone mace. 42.0671% 29.5349% 10 24
268 Ch Christian deWeever (§) You mask Jack Frost in wood chips and burn him. 42.0139% 19.7661% 10 16
269 Ob Object Awards (§) Dye your hair red, it's a warm and bright hue. 41.9989% 29.5263% 10 23
270 Ie Ieatpie Productions (§) It is great to put on coats when it's cold 41.8719% 28.5004% 10 21
271 Ia iAnimate38 (§) You will stay warm if you sit by the fire! 41.7706% 27.0483% 10 18
272 Sh sharunkis (§) Hide yo kids, hide yo wife and you MIGHT live. 41.7027% 34.1955% 10 15
273 Wi WindowVoid (§) Take a wood bat and beat it lots of times. 41.122% 25.1329% 10 20
274 Za Zachary Ridall (§) Please try not to shoot your eye out 41.0127% 32.0928% 8 38
275 S1sambillinge Sam Billinge (§) This year, go for a run, lose weight, have fun 40.7407% 26.2961% 10 18
276 Be BeastModeON ! (§) Start a fire, sit, and watch BFDIA 6. oh wait 40.3664% 34.1716% 10 18
277 Po Poilik098 (§) fly south with the birds, then fly back in march 40.2778% 22.1788% 10 8
278 Ti TimVideo 326 (§) Beat the cold with a coat sale at Tim's store. 39.9551% 22.8404% 10 20
279 Iz IzlePox (§) Catch your house on fire and stand in it. 39.6296% 32.2105% 9 25
280 Hu-0 Huri Churi (§) you punch the cold in the face and kill it 39.6057% 24.8349% 10 38
281 S1taopwnh6427 taopwnh6427 (§) I like to beat the cold with Fly Swat's head. 39.6003% 19.5954% 10 19
282 Ti Timm638 (§) Bake a rice cake and get it to space 39.5664% 28.3171% 9 19
283 1k 1Kick 234 (§) Don't go in the snow. Stay in a warm house. 39.5402% 30.9596% 10 15
284 Wi WildKat (§) Put your hands in your pits and chase weird things. 39.4703% 25.0614% 10 37
285 2a 2004froggy CP AJ (§) Wear stuff that is warm and make it cool daze! 39.4169% 24.553% 10 26
286 Ja Jack Orange (§) You should slap ducks and stay in your small house. 39.3462% 25.8234% 10 40
287 No NOT a gaming channel (§) You should go move to Perth; it is warm there. 39.2954% 22.6159% 10 26
288 S1jacoubtheperson-22b Jacoub The Person (§) irst, I need ice cream! Wait, that makes me cold. 39.1813% 30.5962% 10 16
289 Do DONT VOTE IN THE COMMENTS (§) Don't hang out with ice cube, and always avoid cuts. 39.1082% 28.4272% 10 30
290 Th TheKimpesShow (§) you just hit cold in its face with your fists 39.0838% 28.9231% 10 23
291 Ba basedzach (§) Lay in bed and die, just like my Uncle Frank! 39.0418% 33.4136% 10 20
292 Ge geisterfurz007 (§) I use the warm voice of the brain of TWOW 38.9864% 31.6757% 10 15
293 Ca Cactus Power (§) I try to not go any place but my home. 38.9503% 27.747% 10 37
294 Fi FireProofPotatoes (§) Go hide in the heat of July. 38.5185% 27.7666% 7 28
295 Al Aliendude 321 (§) I do zilch as it's not cold where I live. 38.4824% 26.6404% 10 21
296 Wh WhattheDerp (§) Try not to run around and bathe in the snow 38.3754% 24.4027% 10 22
297 El ElectricPichu (§) What kind of math do Snowy Owls like? Owlgebra! 38.2833% 34.6596% 9 19
298 Mi Minecraft Player (§) Don't of out in the nude. Trust me. 'Twas bad. 38.119% 27.6085% 10 26
299 Th TheNamelessChannel (§) Call John Cena. John plays his song and smashes cold. 37.8655% 32.4031% 10 21
300 Ra Rainbow drugg (§) Call me and I will give you a pair of gloves 37.714% 32.2227% 11 33
301 Nu NumberDerp (§) To beat this cold time, you can not beat it. 37.7129% 22.0536% 10 24
302 Po pokemonwalkingdead (§) give it a cold first No Soup For You Frost 37.6369% 28.1075% 10 28
303 Na Nazrininator (§) Just move towards the south. You will leave the cold. 37.5817% 21.8539% 10 20
304 Sh shannon spriggs (§) To beat off the cold times, punch it off to France! 37.5764% 30.1251% 11 30
305 Na nathan T (§) The cold is a wuss; just slap 'im 'cross the face. 37.5706% 34.1984% 11 24
306 Hu Hugheseyboy 103 (§) listen to my mixtape, it spits hot, flaming fire mate 37.3635% 30.8571% 10 29
307 Co CobaltGameMixer676 (§) Heat up a page of Book, and watch it burn! 37.3154% 31.1565% 10 19
308 Pl PlasmaEmpire (§) Through the cold snow, we may prize nice, warm drinks. 37.3106% 28.5062% 10 19
309 S1novakobx22-21b Novakobx22 (§) Just use a warm grill and you will make it. 37.0809% 19.3826% 10 19
310 Ed edtringaming (§) It's 6º, so wear fur coats or die (a lot)! 36.9176% 29.5509% 10 31
311 Br Br Miller (§) Not my hitch. Sad folks who live in the north. 36.9089% 28.7067% 10 31
312 Cr CrazyCyanWaffle (§) Go get a whisk from the store and stir it. 36.5079% 22.4841% 10 24
313 As AsrielAvenue (§) The East Coast will freeze. The West Coast will melt. 36.2319% 23.1414% 10 19
314 Si SilverKoopa888 (§) I Know! I got a brand new set of wear. 36.0136% 25.8097% 10 27
315 Br Brandon Olague (§) the best way to beat the winter is JOHN CENA 35.9712% 34.5651% 10 28
316 Lu Lukas Chan (§) Your mom is so fat, she could KILL the cold! 35.7407% 34.9804% 10 16
317 Mi Miniwa the adventurer (§) Go jump into a volcano, that will keep you warm. 35.6725% 26.5712% 10 11
318 Cy Cy Duck (§) Abe, no lies, said it would be, so get heat. 35.6725% 22.062% 10 20
319 Cu CubeBag (§) You won't need to dress for warmth. Why? Global Warming! 35.5556% 27.9677% 10 16
320 Mr Mr Leafy The Leafeon2 (§) To beat it, you must shout "GET OUT OF HERE!!" 35.2113% 26.9347% 10 28
321 An AnimationArtist (§) To beat the cold you must start to work out. 34.9522% 28.3033% 10 32
321.1 YessoanripJoseph Yessoan 2 (§) Punch it! Cold has a poor fight style. 34.8297% 27.8091% 8 36
322 Co CommentingEevee (§) With books and hot apple juice in a warm home. 34.3915% 25.4131% 10 23
323 Re retro boy (§) play a round in mario kart. he's bad at it. 34.0826% 28.5341% 10 33
324 Mi Minh Nguyễn Nhật (§) Guess I will burn me to death in the fire. 33.9669% 21.6515% 10 22
325 Ma Mason Liu (ThePiGuy31415926535) (§) Lock your self in your room with a hot chick 33.8848% 32.2965% 10 31
326 Ma MatrVincent- Servicing the Object Community! (§) You should sing a song! It will make you feel warm! It works for me :) 33.8413% 29.869% 15 32
327 De Denis Kogevnikov (§) I don't have snow,so I don't have much cold. 33.7734% 27.0892% 9 19
328 At A Doctor Who (§) I'll warm you with friends so you can to me. 33.6545% 24.7784% 10 17
329 Ak akka777 (§) It would be best to not freeze your nose off. 33.3333% 26.9288% 10 23
330 Ky Kyle Stubbs (§) To beat the cold, I use a red-hot whip. 33.2485% 26.9991% 9 43
331 An Andy Pham (§) Throw the sun down to the earth so we die! 32.8704% 26.161% 10 40
332 Co Colin Ho (§) Go to Star Wars, get Luke's light sword. Light=Heat. 32.8655% 26.6455% 9 18
333 Ru Ruby Ninja (§) ~you steal a hood in the cold from a cool dude 32.7485% 32.4583% 11 26
334 Gc ‫ישראלה מויאל‬‎ (§) don't be outside, stay at home with the Air Conditioner 32.4523% 34.3068% 10 23
335 Na Nate Animations (§) we will punch the sad cold right in the face 32.3906% 25.3787% 10 16
336 Pi Pie Mc Pie (§) you need a pep talk from a pep-er get it 32.2722% 26.0961% 10 18
337 Mu Mudkipian Emporer (§) when you play clue with it, look at the answer. 32.1128% 24.0593% 10 29
338 Su SupremeGoldenRockies (§) My tip is to stay warm or I might die. 31.5629% 23.4892% 10 20
339 Br bra me (§) Eat the warm food from the cool bake place now. 30.5556% 20.8544% 10 20
340 Br brettsmart58 (§) Wear the best and the most brave boots out there. 29.087% 23.5129% 10 15
341 Aq Aqua Vulpes (§) Just hop on a car with HOT girls and that should beat the cold. 28.1046% 31.2515% 14 27
342 Do dombie brains (§) Krampus devoured it as Krampus is jealous of November 31st. 27.9582% 32.1982% 10 32
343 Th TheRedArmy (§) In order to beat the cold you could eat warm things. 27.8413% 23.42% 11 33
344 File:S1coohaa-21b.png Coo haa (§) Wear a scarf to fight off the cold monster. 26.9529% 30.3202% 9 22
345 Ea east3myway (§) Wear a shrug to be warm, or turn on the stove! 26.7593% 25.7339% 11 29
346 Mz M&M Awesome (§) I will beat the cold with lots of clothes. 26.1947% 24.4748% 9 19
347 Th Thatkomedykid - great comedy videos! (§) be hot, man, and eat cod. 25.6542% 28.9008% 6 25
348 Au Auto Cats (§) Hi I'm barry scott! Bang and the cold is gone 25.5255% 29.4103% 10 16
349 Sb SBem14 (§) You'll be warm if your blood has not run cold. 23.5243% 17.1443% 10 13
350 Td TDSwaggyBoy (§) Drink Hot Chocolate / Wait, is that 10 already? Darn. Bye 23.0835% 24.2452% 10 14
351 Da danielordeath “BFRI SOON” 2015 (§) Heat Cold 22.4327% 27.5785% 2 25
352 Ma Magical Genie (§) To beat the cold, make sure you do not get frost bite. 22.2584% 26.8745% 12 29
353 Ue Ue Hang Wong (§) Give letter C a new cloth so it’s not cold. 17.9167% 22.6857% 10 15
354 Ph Phantastrophy (§) Fuck you cary i should have won. Twow is stupid. Hating twow is gonna make me get warm. 17.1012% 31.0784% 18 50
355 Ja Jacob Ward (§) Chuck Norris hated how November 31st was Mr.T day. 16.3347% 24.8702% 9 24
356 Jo Joseph ~ TNTcreeper (§) No response recorded
357 Mo Mortuary Manager (§) No response recorded
358 Th TheTGrodz (§) No response recorded
359 Lo Loftix (§) No response recorded
360 No Noah Alperovitz (§) No response recorded
361 Ca Caspar Coster (§) No response recorded
362 Th thesuperbouncyballs (§) No response recorded
363 Th the worst person in the object community (§) No response recorded
364 Ke Ken “Kidsy128” (§) No response recorded
365 Ja Jake Beaulieu (Jakegames2) (§) No response recorded
366 Mr MrTacoLazer (§) No response recorded
367 Xe ღEeveeLikesToastღ (§) No response recorded
368 Ky Kyle Lazorko (§) No response recorded
369 Mi MICHAEL MCQUAY (§) No response recorded
370 Yp YpCoProductions (§) No response recorded
371 An Anton Christensen (§) No response recorded
372 We WebzForevz / Excellent Entities ! (§) No response recorded
373 Co coolguy20000000 (§) No response recorded
374 Br Brendan Glascock (§) No response recorded
375 Me MetalMan Studios (§) No response recorded
376 46 4613theo (§) No response recorded
377 Li lilczar00 (§) No response recorded
378 Ma Mar View (§) No response recorded
379 To Tornusage Bladestorm (§) No response recorded
380 Pu PuffQuit (§) No response recorded
381 Ke KennyPlex InterWorld (§) No response recorded
382 Sk SkyMix_RMT (§) No response recorded
383 Hy hyates animations (§) No response recorded
384 Sn SnowballBFDI (§) No response recorded
385 Gr Grand Landmaster (§) No response recorded
386 Ma M00ZE (§) No response recorded
387 Re RedTedGaming (§) No response recorded
388 Oz 정보규 (§) No response recorded
389 Jo josh9969 (§) No response recorded
390 Fa Fatih Erdem Kızılkaya (§) No response recorded
391 Sa Sam Lee (§) No response recorded
392 St Stanley Huh (§) No response recorded
393 Ro Rogers Six (§) No response recorded

* The word counting mechanism used on the TWOW Wiki differs from the official word counting mechanism. If the official method is known, please share it! This list does not accommodate for Jacoub the Person, edtringaming, and Mar View’s return in TWOW 3. Rankings in the elimination zone should be adjusted accordingly to get contestants’ true rankings.

.*Cary accidentally cut off the first letter of Jacoub The Person's response and edtringaming's degree symbol didn't show up due to Cary's font, so they were brought back in TWOW 3B because they missed out on the threshold by less than 5%.
